The Plight of a Blind Dog: Lying on the Street in Agony with Shaggy, Dirty Fur, Everyone Turning a Blind Eye, No One Lending a Helping Hand/tt

The Plight of a Blind Dog: Lying on the Street in Agony with Shaggy, Dirty Fur, Everyone Turning a Blind Eye, No One Lending a Helping Hand/tt

In a heart-wrenching turn of events, a phone call came in just moments ago, pleading for help for a distressed dog named Marley. He was discovered on the scorching streets, his painful cries echoing through the air. Unable to walk, Marley lay on the blistering asphalt, in dire need of assistance. Urgently, the individuals who contacted us were asked to keep him safe until our arrival to rescue him from his despair.

Marley’s matted coat tells a tale of neglect and suffering, though the specifics of his past remain shrouded in mystery. It is clear that he is in desperate need of aid. The sight of him in such a condition is heartrending and exasperating, as the level of neglect he endured is unfathomable.



Rushing to the emergency hospital with Marley in our care, emotions overwhelmed us. The doctors began their examination, and we found ourselves in tears witnessing the profound neglect this senior dog had endured. With a fever of 104ºF, it became apparent why Marley cried out in agony. A normal temperature for dogs ranges from 101.0 to 102.5°F. The state of his matted hair posed an additional challenge, making it incredibly difficult to access his veins.

The dedicated medical professionals worked tirelessly to administer intravenous medication for his fever and pain. Once medicated, Marley would need to be gently sedated to remove the tangled mess of hair that caused him unimaginable distress. How could anyone subject an innocent animal to such cruelty?

The heartbreaking reality is that Marley had an owner—a deplorable one—who kept him confined in a yard until the day he heartlessly cast him aside onto the streets. Marley’s matted coat has now been removed, and the doctors are proceeding with tests and examinations as his deteriorating health requires immediate attention. We fervently hope to offer this brave soul a second chance at life, for animals deserve redemption and love without question.


It is evident that Marley is burdened with multiple issues. His advanced age compounds his challenges, but his spirit remains broken. He was discarded like rubbish, left to fend for himself. Last night, Marley managed to eat a small amount, drink copious amounts of water, and find solace in rest, free from fever and controlled pain. The whole night, he slept undisturbed.

Marley now awaits an ultrasound, specific blood tests, and x-rays after fasting. His blindness, possibly caused by ulcers, matting, old age, or a combination of factors, remains a concern. The truth is, Marley did not live on the streets in this pitiful state from birth. He had an owner, a despicable one, who callously abandoned him, leaving him to suffer.


X-ray results have revealed bronchitis and coxafemoral dysplasia, affecting his hip and hindering his mobility. Kidney problems, eye issues, skin ailments, and tumors further compound Marley’s afflictions. We are carefully considering treatment plans and surgical options to improve his quality of life during his remaining years. Marley now receives antibiotics, painkillers, and ongoing examinations. Finally, he is safe and able to rest—a good boy deserving of respite.

The medical team has initiated treatments for Marley’s bronchitis, skin problems, hyperadreno, and dysplasia. Medication, combined with physical therapy, will aid in his recovery. After one week, follow-up examinations will gauge any signs of improvement. As for the tumors, we can only provide palliative treatments and closely monitor his condition.


Marley’s medication has uplifted his spirits, and he is feeling much better, just as every senior dog should. He sleeps like an angel, unaware of the hardships he has endured. Unfortunately, Marley is completely blind, suffering from cataracts in both eyes. Given his compromised health, surgery is currently not an option. However, if he regains enough strength in the future, the possibility of surgery will be explored.

The fact that someone could permit Marley to suffer as he did is beyond comprehension. He deserves so much more from life. We implore you to help us show him what it truly means to be loved. Currently, Marley is undergoing his treatments in a paid foster house, where he receives the necessary care tailored to his delicate condition. Staying in a kennel with other dogs is not viable due to his fragility and blindness.

As we eagerly await his progress, we search for the perfect family for Marley, one that will cherish him and offer him the respect he deserves. Marley finds solace in his afternoons spent outdoors, basking in the grass and relishing his special treats. And in the most heartwarming news, Marley has found his forever home! Today, he embarked on a new journey, joining a loving family that has previously adopted elderly dogs from our organization.


Marley’s new family believes in granting second chances to these gentle souls, providing them with love, care, and dignity. It fills our hearts with joy to know that Marley will receive the love and respect he has longed for. Congratulations, Marley! May your heart and your new family thrive together. We extend our gratitude to everyone involved in Marley’s rescue and relentless dedication to these precious beings who deserve nothing but the best.

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