Mysterious creature found on Japanese shores puzzles and intrigues, evoking curiosity and uncertainty.

Mysterious creature found on Japanese shores puzzles and intrigues, evoking curiosity and uncertainty.

The Japanese Twitter community shared a photo of an animal that looks like a shark but has 2 mouths, but no one knows what this is.

Dark and hazy, the sea is always full of mysteries. And recently, another mysterious thing has washed up on the coast of Japan, causing netizens to wonder what this is.

On the Twitter page of a user named @Tomochin_s14, there is a picture of a strange creature, washed up on the coast of Ose, Shizuoka Prefecture, south of Mount Fuji.

Mysterious creatures in Japan.

This strange creature looks like a monster from the alien movies. Netizens have guessed what animal this is and the photo quickly circulated online at breakneck speed. Many people also assert that this is a mutant animal after the nuclear tsunami disaster in Japan.

However, after some research, some people believe that this is a Goblin shark. They usually live deep on the ocean floor. This species of shark is very rarely seen, so its number is not known. Therefore, their images rarely appear in the media.

A few live individuals have been recorded. However, they usually die after only a few weeks of living in captivity.

Template of a Goblin shark.

They usually do not survive in captivity.

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