Miracle Mom: The Extraordinary Story of Nurturing 20 Babies in a Year/tt

Miracle Mom: The Extraordinary Story of Nurturing 20 Babies in a Year/tt

Kristina Ozturk is a remarkable mother responsible for raising 20 children with her much older millionaire husband. They dream of having 100 children and have already spent a significant amount on surrogate mothers and a dedicated team of 16 nannies.

The Ozturk family consists of over 20 babies, aged four to fourteen months. They compensated surrogate mothers with 160,306 euros and pay the nannies an annual salary of 77,829 euros. Their weekly budget for the children’s care is 4,646 euros. The family lives together in a three-story mansion, and Kristina is currently expecting her tenth child while caring for her daughter.

To care for their extensive family, the parents spend around 80,000 euros on the services of 16 nannies who provide round-the-clock care. Kristina met her husband Galip while already having a six-year-old daughter, and they used a surrogate mother for their first child, Mustafa.

Miracle Mom: The incredible tale of raising 20 babies in a single year

While they used surrogacy for their 20 children, Kristina hopes to conceive naturally in the future but wants to focus on caring for their current children before expanding their family further. She acknowledges that it’s challenging to be a mother of 21 children when pregnant and has no immediate plans for more children.

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