An Abandoned, Innocent Dog Was Discovered With a Heartbreaking Note

An Abandoned, Innocent Dog Was Discovered With a Heartbreaking Note

Last November, a woman stumbled upon the heartbreaking scene of an abandoned pup tied to a bench in Mexico City park. As she cautiously approached it, she noticed there was a note tucked away near him!

She could tell that the note was penned by a child; its imperfect words and uneven handwriting showed her that whoever wrote it had been compelled to abandon their beloved pet.

After reading the note, she was apprised of Max’s sad history; he had been abused by his family and abandoned on a park bench in hopes that an animal lover would find him and give him a loving home.

It was abundantly clear that the kid cared deeply for Max, as he had asked anyone who couldn’t help to simply leave a note nearby.

The woman contacted Mascotas Coyoacan, an animal association that happily accepted to take in the pup. They dubbed him Boston and reported he was incredibly friendly with people.

He’s currently at the shelter, all set to find a new home and loving family that can provide what he never had before.

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