/1.It is heartbreaking to witness the scene of a mother dog dedicated to saving her cubs from the fast-flowing flood that moves viewers

/1.It is heartbreaking to witness the scene of a mother dog dedicated to saving her cubs from the fast-flowing flood that moves viewers

There is no love as strong as the love of a mother. That because clearly evident when rescuers saw what a mother dog was doing for her puppies.

The incident occurred on Wednesday in Meishan city of the south-western Chinese province of Sichuan, according to state media. The viral video captured the touching moment a stray mother dog jumped into a swollen river to save her puppy stranded by surging floodwaters.

The dog and its five puppies were initially left stranded after their temporary shelter was swallowed by the rising tides, reports said.

Local residents gathered and called police for help after seeing the dog family struggling to return to land.

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